“And they woke him and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.”
—Mark 4:38-29
In 1959, Frank Sinatra released what was generally regarded as his most melancholy collections of songs of his career. The title track of the album was a haunting song called, “No One Cares.” In that song, Sinatra captures the sadness that so many people have felt in their lives when they that no one cares. It is bad enough to feel alone, it’s far worse to feel that no one cares.
In Mark 4, the disciples come out with one of the most accusatory statements ever spoken to Jesus. They were simply crossing the lake, something that the experienced fishermen had done literally thousands of times. But a terrible storm breaks out upon the lake. The waves are crashing against the boat and it is taking on water and Jesus is asleep in the stern. The circumstances are dire. “Don’t you even care?” they say to Jesus. Ouch. What stinging words.
Jesus rises from His slumber and rebukes the wind and commands the sea to stop or literally to be muzzled! Dear friends, there are often winds that blow and waves that crash against us. There are times where it seems that all we see around us are perilous dangers. But someone cares. And someone is with us. It is funny that the only time that the Gospel writers specifically mention that Jesus is asleep is during the storms. The point is that there was no need for the disciples to fear because the Lord Jesus was with them.
There are times when you feel as though your ship is being beaten by the waves and taking on water. There may have already been times when it seems like your ship is taking on water. But Christ Jesus is right there with you. Don’t you even care? Of course he does! God demonstrates His love for us in this, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. God shows His care by never leaving us nor abandoning us.
And one of the primary ways that He remains with us know is through His Word. The Word by which the wind and the waves are stilled. The Word by which all things were made. The Word that forgives sins and the word that gives life. The Word that makes clean and the Word that makes new. God continues to be present for His people and accomplishing what He intends through His almighty Word. May you always be reminded that the One who stills the storms cares abundantly for you and has promised to never leave you nor forsake you!
Prayer – Almighty God, our heavenly Father, You invite us to cast all our cares on You because You care for us. Grant hope and strength to all of those who struggle who feel alone and an in despair. May Your Word and Spirit and the gathering of Your saints bring encouragement and consolation to us all; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Fraternally in Christ,
President Lee Hagan