Pastor Edwin Henry Dubberke was born on March 21, 1931 in Emmett, Idaho. He grew up in the small mountain town of Cascade in central Idaho where he attended elementary and high school. He attended Bethany Lutheran College, Mankato, Minnesota for three years, then completed his ministerial training at Concordia Seminary, Springfield, Ill. He spent a year of vicarage at Hope Lutheran Church, Rochester, NY. Upon graduation from the seminary in June of 1956 he became pastor of Trinity and Grace Lutheran Churches in Wautoma, Wisconsin and St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Wild Rose, Wisconsin. After serving this multiple parish for four years he accepted a call as assistant pastor of Mount Olive Lutheran Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in October of 1960. While in the South Wisconsin District he served as pastoral advisor to the Walther League.
On November 22, 1964, he was installed as pastor of the Lutheran Church of the Ascension in St. Louis where he served for 32 years. In “retirement”, Pastor Dubberke served as pastoral assistant at Christ Memorial for 20 years.
He met his wife, formerly Joan Zimmerlee, while attending Bethany College. Married in August of 1955, Joan taught Kindergarten at Word of Life Lutheran School and Superintendent of the Special Sunday School Department. They have three children, Tim (Annette) of Branson, MO, Kitty (Mike) Stephens and Sarah Dubberke of St. Louis, MO; 3 grandchildren, Jacki and Jake Stephens and Alisha Aubuchon; and 3 great-grand children, Trenton, Jada and Wyatt Aubuchon.
Pastor Dubberke was preceded in death by 2 grandchildren, Natashia Fears and Josh Aubuchon.
Memorial service to celebrate Pastor Dubberke’s life:
Saturday, March 14, 2020
Visitation: 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Memorial Service: 11:00 a.m.
Christ Memorial Lutheran Church
5252 South Lindbergh, St. Louis, MO 63126
Pastors are invited to vest (purple) and process.