A Different Path, But Still Useful
Get Mark and bring him with you, for he is very useful to me for ministry. 2 Timothy 4:11
There are a variety of paths to service in the Church. Some are led by the Spirit from an early age toward such service. For others, the clarity of God’s direction toward a church work vocation come much later. And for some, they may have resisted following God’s path into church work for many years. However, the Scriptures are full of varied examples of those who became God’s instruments for His service.
Mark is an example of one who has a different path. He became the source of conflict between Paul and Barnabas after he left the two of them in Pamphylia. Barnabas wanted to take him along with them, but Paul refused and they separated. However, years later, Paul writes to Timothy to bring Mark with him because “he is very useful to me for ministry.”
Service in Christ’s kingdom is offered by people with many different gifts. It is good for mentors to be watchful for those who demonstrate gifts for church work vocations at all ages. Paul’s expression of his confidence in Mark is less about the man and more about the Spirit who continued to shape and form the man for His service. Mark is not the only person who may have retreated from service, but whom God brought back for His purposes. There are disciples within our congregations who may not have followed a traditional path to church work, but whose gifts may be “useful” to God for His kingdom work!
Prayer – O Lord, the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. By Your Spirit, lead the hearts of your faithful of all ages to consider how they might be useful for You and Your Kingdom. Continue to bless all those who serve in church work vocations that by their labors many may be gathered unto You; for You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Fraternally in Christ,
President Lee Hagan