Comfort Dog Handlers Draw People into Conversation and Prayer
There’s a rising trend of using Comfort Dogs to help people deal with stress and trauma. The benefits of petting a dog on blood pressure and soothing a troubled mind are well documented. What separates the Lutheran Charities K-9 Comfort Dog Ministries from other programs is that in addition to...
Identical Twins, Unique Missouri District Calls
Revs. Jesse and Joseph Schlie grew up in Fort Wayne, IN, where their dad was a pastor. Many people watching the Call Day service at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne would remember them as the identical twins called to the Missouri District. Personality-wise, it seems like the brothers were...
The Wehmeyer Family Reflects on a Hard Year
Cindy Wehmeyer is the secretary of Trinity Lutheran Church in Orchard Farm as well as the wife and mom of a proud farming family. Back when the water was blocking roads, she had to commute to work by boat. Cindy, her husband Greg and their daugther, Gwen, are the human...
Hope and Recovery after Flooding in Orchard Farm
In Orchard Farm and surrounding communities, evidence of this spring’s monster flood is both everywhere and nowhere. The water line is still visible on many homes, some of which bear orange stickers that designate the insurance company’s order to raise the home. However, in other spots, the impact of the...