Empty Hands, But Not Empty Hearts

When the Lord called to Moses from the Burning Bush, He did not give him mighty armies and weapons to lead the children of Israel out of slavery in Egypt. He only gave Moses His Word to speak. Likewise, the Lord calls to Isaiah, He sends the one whom He...
Event Recap—Tell the Next Generation: A Family Ministry Conference

What fortifies a parent’s resolve to take their kids to church before they can sit still? What empowers those same parents to take the lead on teaching the faith, to ensure their kids feel comfortable praying, reading scripture and asking questions? The answers will vary as greatly as every family...
Go and See: Engaging Our Communities in Shared Ministries

This past February, 65 people from 20 congregations and mission stations gathered in Springfield to discuss mission opportunities in the region through ministry partnerships. They represented rural and city, small and large churches, pastors and laity, all putting their hands together in prayer seeking ways to engage their communities. The...
Asking the Right Questions for Better Stewardship

Last month, we wrote about how pastors can embrace stewardship with their congregations. As a follow-up, we spoke with Rev. Nathan Meador, Senior Pastor of St. John’s Lutheran Church in Plymouth, WI and the Assistant Coordinator of Stewardship for the Office of National Mission-LCMS. Rev. Meador says the first step...