E2: Equip and Encourage Conference — Missouri District — The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

E2: Equip and Encourage Conference

Event details

  • Friday | January 24, 2020
  • 9:30 pm
  • 3517 Jeffco Blvd, Arnold, MO 63010

The purpose of the conference is to encourage, equip and connect volunteers in our congregations through practical presentations, partnerships and networking.

There is no cost to attend, but please register online.

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E2 Conference Schedule for 2019-20

8:00-8:30 a.m.

8:30-8:45 a.m.
Welcome“Better Together: Congregations and Collaboration”
President Lee Hagan

9:00-11:50 a.m.
Sessions A, B, C

12:00-12:15 p.m.
Closing thoughts

E2 Conference- Arnold Session Choices
9:00-9:50 a.m.

Session A




Who should attend? 

A1: Tell the Next Generation

This session will focus on how congregations can equip parents and families to teach the faith in the home.

DCE Larry Yochum, St. John’s, Arnold

Pastors, Sunday School teachers, parents

A2: Plus One Stories

Experience the “Plus One” coaching process and how churches can begin, refine, or expand to their communities.

Matt Miller, Send Me St. Louis

Evangelism committee, Elders, Church Leaders
A3: Care in Times of Crisis

This session will focus on how congregations can provide both pastoral and human care during times of crisis.

Rev. Nathan Ruback, Grace Chapel,
Bellefontaine Neighbors

Pastors, Elders

A4: Mobilizing Volunteers

Need more help? Feel like you’re on the short side of the 80/20 rule? Explore ways to develop more disciples who are engaged and excited about volunteerism.

Rev. Bell Geis, Missouri District

Overworked volunteers, Church leaders, Secretaries, and Pastors


10:00 – 10:50 a.m.

Session B




Who should attend?

B1: Structure & Meetings

How do we organize our congregation most effectively?  What are best practices for church meetings?  Explore best practices and simple ways to be good stewards of our time & ministries.

Rev. Lee Hagan, Missouri District

Congregation leaders

B2: Elder Training

Elder’s assist our pastors and congregations in many diverse ways. Explore with you peers ways elders can support healthy congregations and pastors.

Rev. Marty Hasz, Missouri District

Pastors, Elders

B3: Hope for Small Congregations

The small church is a treasure in our post-Christian culture. Small church is just “different”. Explore differences, gifts, and opportunities small churches have to be effective in today’s culture.

Rev. Bill Geis, Missouri District

Church Leaders, Everyone from a small congregation

B4: Youth Ministry

Here is a session to offer encouragement and ideas for those involved in the critical area of congregational life, youth ministry.

DCE Larry Yochum, St. John’s, Arnold

Youth Leaders, Elders


11:00 – 11:50 a.m.

Session C




Who should attend? 

C1: Hope for Small Congregations

The small church is a treasure in our post-Christian culture. Small church is just “different”. Explore differences, gifts, and opportunities small churches have to be effective in today’s culture.

Rev. Bill Geis, Missouri District

Everyone from a small congregation

C2: Stewardship

How do we “teach” stewardship in our churches without putting up our defenses? Witness first-hand a pastor and lay leader share Biblical conversation and testimony to the Gospel at work in their lives. Discover ways to adopt these conversations in your setting.

Casey Carlson, Missouri District

Rev. Bill Wilson, Timothy, St. Louis

Stewardship Leaders, Treasurers, Pastors

C3: Ministry in Changing Communities

How does our congregation remain faithful to God’s Word, but also adapt to a community that is going through dramatic changes?  This session will provide practical wisdom for congregations serving changing demographics.

Rev. David Lewis, St. Trinity, St. Louis

Church Leaders

C4: Tell the Next Generation

This session will focus on how congregations can equip parents and families to teach the faith in the home.

DCE Larry Yochum, St. John’s, Arnold

Church and Lay Leaders, Families


Other E2 Conferences