Everyone Has a Part
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. 1 Peter 2:9
The Table of Duties from Luther’s Small Catechism lays out what pastors owe to their hearers and what hearers owe to their pastors. Lutheran theology does not seek to elevate the pastoral office over the priesthood of the baptized, but sees how they are both called by God and called to support one another. Pastors are called by the congregation to exercise the keys on behalf of the baptized, chiefly serving them through distributing to them God’s means of grace. The royal priesthood is then sent out into the world to serve in their varied vocations and by bearing witness to Christ. We do not seek to elevate one above the other, but recognize that according to God’s design, both are vital to the Church and her place in the world.
However, pastors and congregations are reminded each week of the pastor’s calling. As a pastor puts on his vestments, conducts the liturgy, preaches the sermon, and presides at the Lord’s table, all witness the pastor carrying out the responsibilities of His calling. However, the responsibilities of the pastoral office are not limited to Sunday morning, as he serves God people throughout the week.
Yet, the royal priesthood are the ones who need to be reminded that their calling is not limited to Sunday morning or the years when they hold elected offices. Rather being part of the priesthood of all believers is an identity and service that each Christian should be reminded of daily. As you make the sign of the cross and remember that you are a baptized child of God, may you also see God’s purpose working through you as part of His royal priesthood. Our congregations are truly blessed with dedicated and talented laypeople with a diversity of gifts. It is good for pastors to encourage and equip the royal priesthood to use their gifts for the sake of Christ’s kingdom and serve where He has placed them. Thanks be to God for the thousands who make up the royal priesthood in our congregations and how they serve as God’s chosen people. Pastors and the priesthood are not in competition, but serve in concert with one another as everyone has their part.
Prayer – Lord God Almighty, even as You bless Your servants with various and unique gifts of the Holy Spirit, continue to grant us the grace to use them always to Your honor and glory; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Fraternally in Christ,
President Lee Hagan