From Generation to Generation
I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well. 2 Timothy 1:5
Church workers come from all walks of life and with all kinds of influences. Pastors and teachers, Lutheran schools and youth group leaders all have made great impact on young people and led to many entering church work. However, the intentional teaching of the faith within the home can bear fruit for generations. In his second letter to Timothy, Paul acknowledges the faith that he knew resided the young man’s grandmother and mother alike.
Homes come in all shapes and sizes as well. God blesses the faithful service of parents and grandparents in passing on the faith to children. Teaching the faith to children in the home is not women’s work at all. We don’t know why Timothy’s father is not mentioned. What we do know is that God worked through His Word as it was taught in the home by Eunice and Lois and that He continues to be at work through the word in homes today as parents teach their children the faith.
As we continue to highlight church work vocations during this month of August, my prayer is that parents (and grandparents) will continue to fulfill their responsibilities in bring children up in the fear and admonition of the Lord, and even to encourage them towards the joyful lives of service within churches and schools. There is a need for servants with gifts in music, art, teaching, caring and showing kindness and mercy to people in need. If you would like to learn more about how your children and grandchildren can serve as church workers, go to https://www.lcms.org/set-apart-to-serve.
Prayer – Almighty God, we thank you for the blessing of parents and grandparents in the care and nurture of children. Help all who serve in their God-given vocations within the home to faithfully teach Your Word and serve as examples of lives of faith to all those around them; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Fraternally in Christ,
President Lee Hagan