“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26
As God’s children, we are called to keep God’s commandments. To keep means that we are to guard and treasure those words from God, but even more we are to uphold them. Sadly, we do not fare too well in any of those aspects. However, our loving God has promised to keep something as well. That something is you. The almighty God, creator of the heavens and the earth, has promised on oath that that He will keep you. With all of the things that happen in the universe under God’s control, He still watches over you and keeps you within His care.
These recent times have led many Christians to hear and reflect on God’s Word somewhat differently than at previous times. One such Word from God that has brought His people comfort and strength since Moses led the children of Israel in the Aaronic benediction. Those have always been words of hope and promise for God’s people amidst uncertainty. To hear each week this promise of God spoken by the pastor (even over a television screen) has been something which we can hold onto as we face overwhelming burdens.
God has put His name on you and marked you as His own (of this we are reminded as the service begins) and He promises to keep you in His care (of this we are reminded as the service ends). In a world of virus and disease, God promises to keep your coming in and your going out forevermore. In a time of a loneliness and isolation, God promises to keep you as the apple of His eye. In a time where many are sick and dying, God promises to keep you from all harm and evil and to even keep your life. You are God’s treasured possession that He joyfully keeps. Though our recordkeeping, housekeeping, and commandment-keeping all fall markedly short, our God never fails in His promises or in His keeping. Even for the saint of God whose life comes to an end, God keeps their life, even unto eternal life. May you find hope in the words of the Benediction which have placed God’s blessing and care on His people for a thousand generations. The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.” Amen.
Prayer – Gracious God, keep me as the apple of Your eye and hide me in the shadow of Your wings. Amen (Ps. 17:8)
Fraternally in Christ,
President Lee Hagan