God’s Love for Sinners
But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
In Romans 5, St. Paul describes our condition at the time at which Christ died for us. Weak, ungodly, sinners, even enemies of God are the words he uses. He makes clear that we were not to be considered righteous or good. God demonstrates His love by dying for those who were still enemies of God.
Such words are certainly counter-cultural. This is why people new to the Lutheranism have to be taught to understand Law and Gospel, confession and absolution. Acknowledging that we are “poor, miserable sinners” is truly a foreign language in the ears of those who are products of our post-Christian culture. However, when we understand our depravity and the depth of God’s love for us, then we rejoice in the sweet sounds of the Gospel in our ears.
Knowing that Christ died for me, even though I was a sinner, means rejoicing in the gifts that God freely gives to undeserving sinners. You can rejoice that you are a baptized child, saved solely by the grace of God and called to faith by the Holy Spirit. It is always a joy to hear that all of your sins are forgiven in God’s name and for the sake of Christ’s death and resurrection. We are filled with overflowing joy in coming to the Lord’s table to receive Christ’s gift of Himself, offered for us sinners to eat and drink. Christians continue to need to hear the Law and be confronted by their sin so that they can rejoice at the good news of the Gospel that while they were still sinners Christ died for them. During the Lenten season, as we reflect upon our sin, may we continue to marvel at God’s love for us and rejoice in the forgiveness that we have through Jesus.
Prayer – Almighty God, our heavenly Father, You showed Your love by sending Your beloved Son to offer Himself as the sacrifice for sinners. Help us to acknowledge our sin and rejoice in Your forgiveness freely given to us in Your gifts of Word and Sacrament; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Fraternally in Christ,
President Lee Hagan