Rev. Dr. John Samuel Loum
March 18, 1948–October 26, 2022
Rev. Dr. John Samuel Loum was born on March 18th, 1948, in Banjul, The Gambia, West Africa, to Guy Sangster Loum (deceased) and Marian Coker née Johnson (deceased). Rev. Dr. John Loum was a citizen of the United States of America, but loved his homeland The Gambia and always mentioned that Africa is in his blood. At the age of seventeen, his love for humanity led him to migrate to Sierra Leone where he worked closely with missionaries to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
As Dr. Loum worked alongside his missionary mentors, he pursued and completed his Seminary degree in Sierra Leone and Ibadan, Nigeria, in 1976. Upon completing his studies, he served as a pastor and church planting missionary in Sierra Leone until 1981. He was the Superintendent of the Wellington Circuit while working in other circuits in the Western District and the Bo/Kenema District. While planting churches, his heart of servitude led him to be a visiting professor at the Theological Hall (now College of Theology and Management & CTC) until 1984.
In Sierra Leone, Dr. Loum also worked for the Danish Sudan mission and the Programme for Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa (PROCMURA) as the regional coordinator for West Africa. During his tenure in this position, he organized the first International Women's conference under PROCMURA for Christian-Muslim relations in the Gambia. As an expert on Islamic Studies, he understood how to bring Jesus Christ to those that were not Christians.
Dr. Loum continued his studies with a bachelor’s degree in World Religion from Oxford University in England. Then, he enrolled at Hartford Seminary in Connecticut, earning his Master of Arts in Islam Studies/Christian-Muslim Reformation before moving to Fort Wayne, Indiana.
He pursued his Doctorate at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana, specializing in Islamic studies. He served as a missionary-at-large for Indiana District and the pastor of St. Augustine Lutheran Church (the first African immigrant congregation for the LCMS in North America) which he planted. The congregation St. Augustine Lutheran Church (named after a theologian from Africa) was composed of members from 14 African nations. He also served as a missionary-at-large and adjunct professor on the Ft. Wayne campus of Concordia University – Mequon, teaching classes in Islam and African History.
In 2006, Dr. Loum, became the director of the Ethnic Immigrant Institute of Theology (EIIT) at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri; a specialized program leading to ordination for men engaged in pastoral ministry for ethnic immigrant and urban cultures in North America. Also, EIIT, under his leadership, offered a program for women to become deaconesses. While in St. Louis, Dr. Loum served on multiple African Association boards, Christian Friends of New America, the Lutheran Senior Services Chaplaincy Care Committee, and council and sub-committees for his congregation at Timothy Lutheran Church. Dr. Loum guided scores of missionary pastors through his leadership of the Ethnic Immigrant Institute of Theology.
While working as the director of the EIIT at Concordia Seminary St. Louis, Dr. Loum, was still called to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with his homeland. So, he led an ongoing mission to The Gambia, mainly focusing on teaching Lutheran doctrine to an established group of Christians. Along with teaching and catechizing the pastor and lay leaders of the church in the Gambia, he also instructed the teachers and students at the Lutheran school in the village of Abuko. He retired from his work at EIIT in 2020.
His life was centered around missions and sharing the Good News of Christ.
Dr. Loum is survived by his wife, Hannah Roseline Loum (nee Belford), his children and daughter-in-law: John Loum Jr., Hans Loum, Cyril and Sunita Loum, and Donald Loum; his grandchildren: Giovanna Loum, Josiah Loum, and Noah Loum; his many brothers and sisters, as well as cousins, nieces, and nephews in The Gambia and Abroad.
Service Information:
Friday, November 18, 2022
4–7 p.m.
Timothy Lutheran Church (6704 Fyler Avenue Saint Louis, MO 63139)
Funeral Service
Saturday, November 19, 2022
10:30 a.m.
Timothy Lutheran Church (6704 Fyler Avenue Saint Louis, MO 63139)
Pastors, please vest and wear red stoles to process.
Burial Site
(following the funeral service)
Our Redeemer Cemetery (8300 MacKenzie Rd Saint Louis , Missouri 63123)
Saturday, November 19, 2022
Faith Oakville (6101 Telegraph Road St. Louis, MO 63129)