Lutheran Schools Making Disciples for Life
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew 28:19-20
The imperative of the Great Commission is not “Go,” but “Make disciples.” Our Lord calls us to carry out this making of disciples by baptizing and teaching. This teaching is ultimately a lifetime of catechesis that happens from the font to the tomb. While homes and churches are critical components in this work, even before the Synod was formed, Lutheran schools have been a primary means through which disciples have been made.
The fifth objective of Synod is to “Aid congregations to develop processes of thorough Christian education and nurture and to establish agencies of Christian education such as elementary and secondary schools and to support synodical colleges, universities, and seminaries.” We are thankful and blessed to operate more than 1,700 early childhood centers, 800 elementary schools, nearly 100 high schools, 7 university campuses, and two seminaries. In the Missouri District, we have 108 schools (early childhood centers, elementary schools, and high schools).
The reason we continue to operate Lutheran schools is that they are places not only of learning, but in the task of making disciples. Lutheran schools offer something distinctly different from the public schools in teaching a Christian world and helping children to understand who they are as men and women created in God’s image and ones for whom Christ died. We provide schools and teachers who do not attack the Christian faith of children and families, but are committed to helping them grow in Christ.
As another school-year begins, please pray for our Lutheran schools, that they would be faithful to God’s Word and good stewards of the resources entrusted to them. As noted a couple weeks ago, we also invite you to pray for more young people would be led to prepare for service to the Lord as Lutheran school teachers.
Prayer - O God, source of all abiding knowledge, through Word and Spirit You both enlighten the minds and sanctify the lives of those whom You draw to Your service. Look with favor on the schools, colleges and universities of the Church so that they may be seedbeds for those who study and learn as they are nurtured and grow in their relationship with You. Encourage through Your Spirit both students and faculties to apply themselves with ready diligence to their tasks and faithfully fulfill their service according to Your will; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Fraternally in Christ,
President Lee Hagan