Join with other Lutheran Singles for a weekend of learning, led by Rev. Randy Asburry. The six areas of focus of the event are "Lutheran Singles FOLLOWing Christ" Fellowship, Outreach, Learning, Leadership, Organization, and Worship. Hosted at the Holiday Inn Express in Edwardsville, IL, single adults aged 18+ are welcome. Event begins Friday afternoon and wraps up with church at Hope Lutheran in St. Louis on Sunday morning. Plus, don’t miss out on the Saturday night fun with a trip to the top of the arch, a riverboat cruise, and more. There is also a virtual option for learning (see registration form).
Note: Registrations will be accepted after July 1, as space allows. Please note, though, the option to participate with the Saturday evening Arch group, registrations need to be placed by July 22. Virtual registrations can be accepted until August 2.
Scroll below for more information, or click the button for registration.
Conference Location
Holiday Inn Express
1000 Plummer Drive,
Edwardsville, IL 62025
The group rate is $150/room per night plus tax fees. The hotel link will be sent upon registration receipt.
Saturday Entertainment
On Saturday afternoon, there is an opportunity for conference participants to have some fun Saturday evening. Events include going to the top of the St. Louis Arch, taking a 1 hour Riverboat Cruise, and viewing a historical documentary movie. (Dinner is on your own.) All activities are included in the price of $41.
About the Speaker
Rev. Randy Asburry
Pastor of Hope Lutheran Church, St. Louis, MO
Rev. Randy Asburry serves as Senior Pastor of Hope Ev. Lutheran Church, St. Louis, MO (since 2001). Previously he served parishes in St. Louis, MO; Boonville, MO; and Gillette & Wright, WY. Pastor Asburry earned his MDiv from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis (1990), his MA in Classics (Greek and Latin) from Washington University, St. Louis (1992), and his STM degree in Systematic Theology from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis (1998), writing on Luther’s view of faith in the Catechisms.
He is a graduate of DOXOLOGY: The Lutheran Center for Spiritual Care and Counsel. He has served as Circuit Visitor (Wyoming and Missouri), as staff writer for Good News magazine, and on subcommittees for Lutheran Service Book. He has written Bible studies, devotional booklets and tracts for Concordia Publishing House. He has authored essays for Lutheran Service Book: Companion to the Hymns and the forthcoming Lutheran Service Book: Companion to the Services. He currently serves Fourth Vice-President of the Missouri District and is the host and producer of the short-form podcast Sacred Meditations. Pastor Asburry and his wife, Rachel, have two children, Christina and Jonathan.
5:00pm Registration
5:45pm Welcome
6:00pm Dinner
7:00pm Speaker: Rev. Randy Asburry - (Learning)
8:00pm Activities: Games, talking, planning
10:00pm Meeting room closed for night.
8:00am Breakfast at Hotel
9:00am Welcome/Announcements/Singing
9:30am Speaker: Rev. Randy Asburry - (Learning)
10:30am Breaks (Outreach)
10:45am Speaker: Rev. Randy Asburry - (Learning)
12pm Lunch
1:30pm Leave for the Arch
Dinner on your own.
9:00 am Attend Worship Service
Hope Lutheran Church
5218 Neosho, St. Louis, MO 63109
Connect with the Lutheran Singles Association
Email: lsapresident@lcmssingles.org
Phone: (262) 336-6631
(Please leave a message; someone will return the call.)