"Meet the Missionaries"
Tuesday, November 2 was a great success! Thank you to all who joined us. If you missed meeting Rev. Schweigert and Rev. Perling, watch this space as the recording will be made available soon.
Thanks for joining us to learn about military outreach happening at Fort Leonard Wood and Whiteman Air Force Base!

Meeting on 03/23/21 featuring Spotlight on Campus Ministry.
With Rev. Dr. Kent Pierce

Meeting on 02/23/21 featuring Spotlight on Black Ministry.
With Rev. Dr. Gerard Bolling and Rev. John Schmidtke

Meeting on 11/24/20 featuring Light of Christ: Chinese Outreach in Olivette.

Meeting from 10/27/20 featuring Ethiopian Outreach in Platte Woods.

Meeting on 9/22/20 featuring Church Planting in Ozark.

For more information, contact Leah Sieveking