The congregations and schools of the Missouri District are now on our very own walk to Emmaus. COVID-19 has suspended ministry plans and altered the economic landscape of our nation. Reports from various media sources seem to conflict, and our patience has been tested.
And yet, our God walks with us—never failing to teach us more about who He is and how much He loves us. Like the disciples, our current situation has presented us with great opportunity for mission and ministry throughout the state of Missouri. We’re blessed to have you as partners in this calling of making known the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our hearts burn for Christ together.
The work of the Missouri District has always been and will always be a group undertaking—funded by the generosity of our congregations, foundations, and individuals. Thank you for being a blessing in the lives of many.
As we all navigate the new normal and this “new beginning” of another fiscal year, know that you will be in our prayers. Together we will meet new mission opportunities, strengthen Lutheran schools, and care for church workers... all for the glory of God.