LCMS Parish Nurse District Representatives that attended the 29th Annual Concordia University Conference for Parish Nursing and Congregational Health Ministries, Mequon, WI.
Left Front: Carol Lueders Bolwerk-WI, Hope Knight-OK, Mary Scott-MN, Cynthia Turnley Rutan-WA
Left Rear: Janet Hitzeman-IN, Rhonda Anderson-IA, Marcy Schnorr-IL, Carol Broemmer-MO,
Sue Neff -CA, Mary Hume-KS, Lana Wingate-VA, Kim Meyer-IL

The LCMS parish nurse district representatives met May 19, 2021 at Concordia Wisconsin after a year break due to COVID-19. This gathering occurred prior to the 29th Annual PN conference hosted by Carol Lueders Bolwerk, Program Director- Parish Nurse and Congregational Ministry Professor.
The district representatives enjoyed a presentation on the topic of Mercy from Deaconess Tiffany Manor, Director Life Ministry- LCMS. We were encouraged to continue the Christian caring that we offer to our congregations and the district. Some discussion centered around synodical support for parish nursing.
The conference that followed the district representative meeting was attended by fifty nurses from fifteen different states. The conference began with a worship service in the chapel
A variety of topics included: Vulnerable Elderly: Prevention is Everything; Little Free Library: God’s Word is Free; Schools, Scripture and Service; Lessons Learned from the Pandemic; COVID-19 Update & Case Study of A Small Church; God’s Diamond: Facets of God’s Forgiveness; God’s Pharmacy: Teaching Nutrition; Support Wellness; Beat the Winter Blues: Dealing with Depression; Challenges and Victories: Courageous Community Service and Come and See, Go and Tell.
Special credit to Rhonda Anderson.