Joyful Hope
April 26–28, 2024
So often in our lives, joy is fleeting and hope feels uncertain. Our circumstances get us down and we long for relief. How did the apostle Paul face tough times like imprisonment—with joy? He was imitating Christ and waiting for His return! Paul had joy in all circumstances, and we can too! Come and study Paul’s letter to the Philippians to grow in lasting joy and certain hope—in Jesus.
This weekend of learning is led by Renee Gibbs and is hosted at Heit's Point Ministries (28345 Heits Point Ave Lincoln, MO 65338)
Friday, April 26
4:00 p.m. Registration, settle in, socialize
5:00 p.m. Welcome, Introductions, dinner, and fun
Saturday, April 27
7:30 a.m. Breakfast
8:30 a.m. Sessions and activities
Noon Lunch and free time
3:00 p.m. Sessions and activities
5:15 p.m. Dinner
6:15 p.m. Sessions and activities
Sunday, April 28
7:30 a.m. Breakfast
9:00 a.m. Worship and farewell activities
10:30 a.m. Dismissal - Please check out by 11:00 a.m.
Rooms are "bunk house style" - rooms are not private this year.
Single rooms are not available, as space is limited.
This year, please plan to bring linens.
You also have the option to bring a snack and used book for our book swap library.
Registration fee:
Due to donations, your registration is free! However, we only have space for about 40 women.
If you discover that you cannot attend, please email sue.thompson@mo.lcms.org so that we can offer your space to someone else who could benefit from attending.
Registration Deadline:
April 15th or when registration is filled.
Regarding program or housing: please contact Lisa Clark at lisamclark.lc@gmail.com
Regarding online registration: please contact Sue at sue.thompson@mo.lcms.org