“A sower went out to sow his seed. And as he sowed, some fell along the path and was trampled underfoot, and the birds of the air devoured it. And some fell on the rock, and as it grew up, it withered away, because it had no moisture. And some fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up with it and choked it. And some fell into good soil and grew and yielded a hundredfold.”
Luke 8:5-8
To the church at Corinth, St. Paul utilizes the agricultural metaphor so commonly in Jesus’ parables. He describes his work among them as “planting” and that of Apollos’ as “watering” (3:9). In His parable, Jesus explained to His disciples that the seed is the Word of God. Paul and Apollos, like the twelve before them, sowed the seed when they proclaimed God’s Word in all the places where they were led and to all the people they met. Those who sow are sent by God to cast it far and wide - even among the weeds and on the path and rocks - because ultimately God is the One who gives the seeds their growth.
The Bible’s teaching on the efficacy of the Word of God makes us bold in sowing the seed. We should not be stingy, but lavishly scatter the seed by telling the good news of Jesus to all. Martin Franzmann describes the task in his hymn “Preach You the Word.” He writes, “The sower sows his reckless love, scatters abroad the goodly seed.” Pastor and priests alike are called to recklessly sow the seed of God’s Word in their varied vocations because they can rest assured that God will indeed give the growth.
Faithfully instructing God’s people about what the Word of God preaches about its power helps them to boldly confess Christ and sow the seed. This certainty takes away the excuses that God’s people so frequently offer. Christians do not convert anyone. We confess with Dr. Luther that we cannot believe in Jesus by our own reason or strength, nor can we cause anyone else to believe either. However, the Holy Spirit works through the Word as it is preached and taught among us. Such confidence emboldens us to sow the seed recklessly and trust in God to give the growth. May God bless our sowing and bring forth an abundant harvest for Jesus’ sake!
Prayer - Lord God, bless Your Word wherever it is proclaimed. Make it a Word of power and peace to convert those not yet Your own and to confirm those who have come to saving faith. May Your Word pass from the ear to the heart, from the heart to the lip, and from the lip to the life that, as You have promised, Your Word may achieve the purpose for which You send it; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen
Fraternally in Christ,
President Lee Hagan