Rev. Stuart Brassie
“Dr. Stu Brassie was a tireless advocate for missions across the Missouri District. He served in the District for twenty years and alongside of three different presidents. His encouragement and support for church planters and other pastors involved in mission work was constant. Our congregations were blessed by his gifts and experience and our pastors found in him a caring mentor. Even as we grieve, we give thanks to God for Stu’s faithful years of service.”
President R. Lee Hagan
Missouri District
A child of God’s own creating, Stuart Wayne Brassie was born to Paul and Doris (Breedlove) Brassie on March 29, 1948 in Lafayette, Indiana. He was baptized into Christ two weeks later at the church where he would grow up and be educated in his Christian faith, St. James Lutheran Church and School in Lafayette. He grew up in a loving Christian home with three brothers, Stan, Phil, Randy and one little sister Bev. His aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents were a huge part of his life, many living in nearby communities in Indiana, and all enjoying many amazing times together as family.
As a young adult, he joined the Marine Corps and served his country in Vietnam. Shortly after his arrival in Vietnam, his brother Stan, a professor at Concordia University in Seward, Nebraska, where Alice was a student, asked for a few Concordia girls to write letters of encouragement to his brother. Alice was the blessed Concordia girl who received a long typed response in return to her first letter. He wrote it while he was on guard duty. The letters went back and forth across the sea for over a year. Alice believes she kept his spirits alive and well and gave him reason to fight hard through some very dangerous and harrowing situations so he could return home to meet her. While coming close to losing his life in Vietnam, he made a promise to his Heavenly Father that if He saw him through the night of imminent danger, Rev. Brassie would commit his life to serving his Jesus. By God’s immense grace, he returned from service to America and he and Alice met for the very first time at National Airport in Washington, DC. They were married one year later.
Rev. Brassie and Alice were blessed with the gift of three incredible children, Ken, Amy and Joel. As little people, they could not wait for their Dad to come home, change his clothes and get on the floor to rough-house with them. His many nieces and nephews joined this tradition of “Let’s get Stu” at family gatherings over the years. In any other situation, kids would be in trouble for this behavior, but because it was Uncle Stu, everyone enjoyed the chaos. He had a magnetic personality and even though he would try to just blend in with the group, people were naturally attracted to his qualities of kindness, knowledge and wisdom. His humor and story telling abilities were like no other, and were what drew people to him. Rev. Brassie was always so proud of his children, their faith, their accomplishments, and the loving Christian spouses they married. He lived for family gatherings, and enjoyed hearing about what was happening in each family members’ life, both big and small. He was always the voice of gentle wisdom, and reason in every situation because he saw all of life’s events through the prism of God’s word and will.
His great joy in life, besides serving the Lord and His Church, were all his precious grandchildren. He had nicknames for them all. Justin is “Dunny”, Garin is “Garwayne”, Shilee is his “Shi-Bug”, Austin his “Paul Boy”, Andrew his “Brownie”, Chase his “Chase-Man”, and Monaco is his “Coco-Puff”. And of course, Alice is his “Lil Ali”.
As a pastor of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, he served three congregations. Our Savior Lutheran Church, Granbury, TX, a new mission start. His second ministry was Epiphany Lutheran Church, a very young congregation in Dunlap, IL, and his third church ministry was to a large metropolitan congregation, St. John’s Lutheran Church in Ellisville, MO. He looked upon each of these ministries as wonderful opportunities to serve his Lord and the Lord’s people. Each offered him unique challenges and joys, and as he reflected on his life, he was so thankful to have experienced each one and the amazing Christian friends and colleagues who he served alongside. His final ministry opportunity before retirement in 2017 was to serve the churches and pastors in the Missouri District of the LCMS. For 20 years he was honored to travel the state bringing his years of experience to churches who sought stewardship and ministry support. During those 20 years he worked with incredible people who became dear friends and extended family. He had a “Steward’s Heart”, knowing that God owns it all, but has given to each of us our gifts, skills, interests, abilities, strengths and material blessings.
Possibly his most unique quality, Rev. Brassie had the very special gift of taking Scripture and making it come alive. Sermons, Bible Classes and just conversations about Biblical times were brought into vivid “now” because that is exactly how he saw God’s Word. He wanted everyone he ministered to to understand that these were not just stories in a book, but God’s real and true activity on earth to bring about our salvation. More than anything, he desired everyone to know God’s grace and mercy in sending Jesus to be our Savior.
God had a perfect plan for his life and for bringing him home to eternal joy. His family greatly rejoices to have watched His plan unfold as they held his hand and spoke their love for him at his bedside. They truly felt the peace that surpasses all human understanding. They watched him go be with the Savior he had taught them about their entire lives. He took his last earthly breath knowing that everyone he loves, his wife, children, and grandchildren are firm believers in Christ as their Savior and will one day join him in Heaven for eternity.
Family members left on earth to continue serving our Lord with their lives are Rev. Brassie’s wife, Alice, his children Ken & Adina, Amy & Jay, Joel & Noelle. Grandchildren Justin & Rebecka, Garin and his future wife Miranda, Austin, Shilee, Andrew, Chase and Monaco. His family, Stand & Fay, Randy & Donna, Bev & Tim. Alice’s family, Bob & Cindy, Ralph & Lisa, Kathy & Bill, Marty & John, Norma & Alan. He is blessed with many nieces and nephews, their little ones and many wonderful cousins. He joyfully joined his Dad and Mom, brother Phil, and three unborn grandchildren in Heaven.
In honoring Rev. Brassie’s memory and his love for his church, memorial gifts may be directed to one of the following ministries:
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Eureka, MO, towards debt reduction or day school scholarship fund.
Lutherans for Life (West St. Louis County Chapter or the National Chapter)
The Brassie Family would like to thank you for your love and prayers.
A Memorial Service will be held on September 18, 2021 at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Eureka, Missouri.
A visitation will held at 9:30 a.m. and a worship service will be held at 11:00 a.m.
There will be no clergy procession.