Last year the pastor of Hanover Lutheran Church, Rev. Tony Kobak, had a very good problem. He was considering removing the walls in the classrooms to create more space for everyone clamoring to attend an adult Sunday school and Monday night Bible classes. There simply were more people than would fit.
However, instead of expanding the classrooms, he decided to move the classes to the much larger activity center, which they’d recently decided to build. They often used the activity center and gymnasium for community events, such as basketball games and sausage suppers, but he began to wonder if God would lead enough people to Bible class to fill this space, as well. That’s exactly what happened.
Rev. Kobak says, “When our latest study kicked off in August we were shocked as 93 people showed up for the first Monday night adult bible class!” This led to some growing pains. Imagine trying to set up a room for a 93-person Bible study. The 50-inch TV simply wasn’t big enough and people started to complain.
Rev. Kobak applied for one of the Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF)’s Signature Grants, a small grant available in the Missouri District through conversations with Casey Carlson, the Assistant to the President for the LCEF. A new 70-inch TV went to the front of the activity center, and the 50-inch TV moved to another spot, ensuring everyone could fully participate in the bible study.
Carlson says, “I enjoyed the opportunity to present the Signature Sponsorship grant check to the bible class at Hanover and to take part in the night’s study. The Signature Sponsorship is designed to enhance ministries and provide new and exciting ways to assist them in communicating the Good News of Jesus with others, and I felt truly humbled to see these funds put in action at Hanover!”
Signature grants target the range of $250 to $1,000. To apply for one, contact Casey Carlson at casey.carlosn@mo.lcms.org and briefly explain your needs and how the funds will help your ministry.