This June, there are several opportunities to dive deeper into theology. These courses are designed for everyone–church worker and laypersons–to attend. There are three topics at different locations across Missouri. See below for more information on these great classes, brought to us from our seminaries.

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This course examines some of the most influential works of Dr. Martin Luther on the psalms and places a particular focus on how the psalms shaped Luther as a pastoral theologian.

Click here for additional information and to register.
This course will explore the work of Clement of Alexandria and his approach to protreptics as he conversed and sought to persuade a variegated and syncretistic Alexandrian culture. This course will define this ancient approach called protreptics. It will provide historical background to protreptics and allegory. It will examine 2nd- and 3rd-Century Alexandria, providing an opportunity to understand Clement’s teaching method. Our world today is looking more like Clement’s Alexandria. This course will, then, suggest a protreptic approach to engage people today in the post-Christian world.

Click here for additional information and to register.
C.S. Lewis continues to be one of the most important modern authors among English-speaking Christians. His fiction has delighted children and adults alike, and his nonfiction has encouraged and challenged the Christian as well as the skeptic. This workshop will look at the thought and writings of Lewis, especially as they intersect with themes important for Lutherans, such as the theology of the cross, faith, science and reason, and the role of beauty for belief and ethics. No pre-requisite readings are required for this workshop, but if one wished, recommended readings include The Weight of Glory, The Problem of Pain, The Four Loves and Till We Have Faces. Registration Deadline: June 12