Supporting Families to Teach the Faith in their Homes.
The Missouri District has trained Tell the Next Generation Family Discipleship coaches from across the state to work with pastors, congregations, and schools who are ready and willing to embrace home-centered, church-supported Family Discipleship. Fourteen coaches were trained in January 2022 and have continued to connect through Zoom meetings. The initiative was launched at the Missouri District Convention in June 2022 with the approval of Life Together Resolution 2-01, encouraging congregations to participate in coach-led training.
Look to District communication for stories featuring what families are doing to intentionally share their love and faith in Jesus from generation to generation, in partnership with their congregation. We pray God richly bless this effort with our families for an abundant faith-filled life on earth and an eternity together in the home our Father in heaven has prepared for us.
Trained coaches include Rev. Steven Andrews (St. Matthew, Lee’s Summit), Angie Brenner (DCE at Trinity, Jefferson City), Linda Horton (DCE at St. Paul, St. Joseph), Hannah Knehans (Director of Family Life at Trinity, Springfield), Heidi Koehler (DCE at St. Andrew, Cape Girardeau), Rev. Dr. Nathan Kuhlman (Redeemer, Rolla), Rev. Peter Lange (Faith, Eldon), Mandy McDonald (teacher at Immanuel, Jefferson City), Pam Nummela (DCE Emeritus, St. Louis), Rev. Josh Schmidt (St. Paul, Jackson), Christina Stackle (DCE at Peace, St. Louis), Maggie Warner (DCE at Immanuel, St. Charles), and Larry Yochum (DCE at St. John, Arnold).