SHINE! Has Biggest Year to Date

For the fourth year in a row, the Missouri District held SHINE!—the annual statewide servant event occurring each April. Based on Matthew 5:16, SHINE! encourages groups of all sizes and skillsets to serve their neighbors and be a witness for Jesus Christ. This year was the largest yet with approximately 10,800 participants from 150 groups. SHINE! has also now spread to four states. Additional teams from Illinois, Nebraska, and Virginia also headed out into their communities this spring.

As in previous years, participants were outfitted in the official servant event t-shirt. A huge thank you to the 2024 sponsors: Lutheran Church Extension Fund, Rod’s Sports & Apparel, Concordia Plans, and Timothy Lutheran Church in Blue Springs. The teams looked great wearing the color red.

While the 10-day window for SHINE! may have passed for 2024, those serving this year were quick to share that glorifying God through service is something that can happen all the time. Matthew 5:16 is a way of life!

“You know, Jesus is the reason we do everything. And when He’s not…He should be!” said Marilyn Haldiman, group leader for Redeemer Lutheran in Springfield. Her team cleaned and made repairs to the Lutheran Student Center at Missouri State University. “This is just a great reminder to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a place that needed a little ‘shining.’ No pun intended.”

“The spotlight is always on God,” added Shirley Jackson, group leader from Transfiguration Lutheran Church in St. Louis. “We’re praising Him even when we don’t know we’re praising Him. Our walk, our talk, the things we do. We always have that opportunity to lift up God’s name.”

So until the Missouri District serves all together again in April of 2025, continue to shine His light for all to see!