Being a church worker is a calling. There are many beautiful and wonderful aspects to serving as the Lord’s hands and feet. But this calling also brings with it many challenges. And while serving during circumstances such as COVID-19 can most certainly heighten these challenges, struggles in our congregations occur at any time. This is where my role at the District Office can help.
I support and encourage congregations during times of struggle using Bible-based reconciliation. This often presents itself as supporting a specific ministry and/or staff members through educational workshops or facilitating training events for elders. And while I sometimes know about when a church may need assistance, such as when I help churches during a call process, often I am unaware of struggles until your congregation contacts me. So, please–contact me whenever your church encounters conflict. Together we can proactively work towards adding systemic support! All church workers and elected church leaders can contact me directly for District support. I’m just one phone call away.
Church leaders serve a unique position of maintaining the proclamation of Christ crucified in an ever-changing world. I encourage you to steward current unique issues by prayerful confidence in Jesus. God hears your prayers. God has called me to support you and your congregation – to help you lean into the challenges.
The resources highlighted in the March VOICE reflect some of the resources I most commonly use with congregations. They are Bible-based – for who can do anything apart from the Word? (John 15:5) And, whether navigating difficult circumstances within a congregation or helping support church workers, they serve to build spiritual strength.
God’s blessings as you explore these options. And feel free to contact me with any questions or assistance needs.

Rev. Marty Hasz, PLPC
Assistant to the President: Church Worker & Congregational Health