2022 LCMS Youth Gathering Update
Next July will be the triennial Youth Gathering for the LCMS in Houston, Texas! The theme for the Gathering is “In All Things”, with the theme being taken from Colossians 1:15-20. If you haven’t started talking about it yet with your students, it’s never too early. There is a great deal of wonderful information and resources about the Gathering and the city of Houston on the Gathering website at LCMSGathering.com.
However, if you’re feeling uncertain as to where to begin, feel free to reach out to our District Coordinators for the Youth Gathering, Mark Engelhardt and Emily Moss. You can reach them by emailing district.coordinator.missouri@gmail.com and they will be happy to help you find answers to all your Youth Gathering questions.
One of the ways we want to help our Adult Leaders is by hosting Adult Leader Meetings. This year we will be hosting our District Adult Leader meetings both in person, and on Zoom. These Adult Leader meetings are a great way for first time Adult Leaders to connect with veteran Adult Leaders, get some great advice, and find out more about what will happen at the Gathering. They are also a great way for the veteran Adult Leaders to find out about the new changes taking place for the 2022 Gathering. Please continue to watch District news for the dates for those meetings, or you can also join our Facebook group, Missouri District 2022 NYG Adult Leaders where we share information about the Gathering when it comes out from the National Office, as well as Gathering information from within the Missouri District. As you plan for the Gathering, remember to make plans to attend our District Event, and don’t forget about our special Missouri District t-shirts for the Gathering too (more information about both of those items coming soon.)
If you are an Adult Leader going to the Gathering, do us a favor and send us a quick email, so we can be sure we are sending the information to the right contact. Finally, be on the lookout for a Google survey regarding our District Event for the Gathering. We hope to hear from you soon, and we look forward to seeing everyone in Houston, July 9-13, 2022!