We were blessed to have so many across the Missouri District join together in service to our neighbors. More than 5,100 participated with over 130 groups! Preschools, high schools, youth groups, men’s groups, LWML groups, congregants, organizations, and more gathered together to serve others. Projects were as varied as those serving, with items like highway cleanup, church work days, writing cards to shut-ins, care packages for soldiers, yard waste removal, making quilts to donate, helping at community food banks or thrift stores, scrap metal drive, giving meals away, and more. Our goal was to SHINE! our light as described in Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Mission accomplished! Thank you for joining us. We were so excited to serve alongside you. Keep shining your light to everyone Missouri!