Ethiopian and Eritrean Bible Studies

Rev. Lewi Jermiya serves as Associate Pastor of Saint Trinity, St. Louis. Part of his work includes ministering to Ethiopian and Eritrean communities. His Bible Study for Eritrean Kunama, called New Life in Christ, meets three times a week (twice online and once in person). In fact, Pastor Jermiya teaches quite a few classes online, and has experienced quite a bit of growth. In the last three months over 15 new people have joined, bringing the total to 85. The need for Pastor Jermiya’s ministry is growing. He has presented at a conference in March to over 100 and he has taught and preached at a small group in Kansas City. What a blessing to receive so much growth over these months!

Nepalese at St. John in St. Louis

This year, Rev. Michael Tanney, pastor at St. John Lutheran Church in St. Louis, worked with EIIT (Ethnic Immigrant Institute of Theology) Vicar Ratna Mangar to minister to their growing Nepalese population. They’ve had quite a few successes, including a newborn baptism for a Nepalese family at St. John’s. They also worked together to minister to a family. The family was already baptized, but this study allowed for in depth teachings on the Apostle’s Creed, Lord’s Prayer, Sacrament of Holy Baptism, Confession, Daily Prayers. Pastor Tanney led the teaching, using the new Nepali Catechism, and Vicar Mangar helped translate. When the family completed the class, they made plans to be confirmed and become members at St. John’s. What a blessing!

Christian Friends of New Americans

CFNA serves new American families with physical resources (like food, clothing, and furniture) as well as knowledge and classes (like after school tutoring, driving classes, and more). One family recently arrived to St. Louis from Congo, after spending 13 years as refugees in Zimbabwe. Active in their Lutheran faith in Africa, when in St. Louis, they walked to St. John’s Lutheran Church where Pastor Michael Tanney connected them with CFNA. Recently, they were blessed in a big way when CFNA found a donor who helped to fully furnish their house. The donor was seeking to empty their mother’s house, and was thrilled that their furnishings could be a blessing to someone making a fresh start. It’s a beautiful example of the Lutheran community helping support one another.