Board of Directors Makes Appointments

Rev. Randy Asburry, pastor of Hope Lutheran Church in St. Louis, has been appointed by the Missouri District Board of Directors to fill the vacancy of Missouri District Fourth Vice-President that was created when Rev. Jason Shaw accepted a call to the Northern Illinois District. Rev. Asburry had served on the District Board of Directors since 2022. He is a graduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis completing his Master of Divinity degree in 1990 and his Master of Sacred Theology in 1998. Additionally, he earned a Master of Arts in Classics from Washington University in 1992. He has previously served as a Circuit Visitor in the Wyoming and Missouri Districts. Rev. Asburry has served at hope since 2001. He has authored Bible studies and articles for a number of publications and appeared as a guest on programs featured on KFUO-AM and Issues Etc. He and his wife, Rachel, have two children and two grandchildren.

The Board of Directors then proceeded to appoint Rev. Dr. Jon Furgeson to fill the vacancy on the board created by Rev. Asburry’s appointment as a vice-president. Dr. Furgeson serves as senior pastor of Peace Lutheran Church in St. Louis County. He completed his Master of Divinity degree in 2006 and Doctor of Philosophy degree from Concordia Seminary in 2020, focusing on spiritual warfare. In 2022, his book The Sword and the Mask: Building an Anti-Fragile Approach to Spiritual Warfare was published. He has also appeared as a guest on programs on KFUO-AM and Issues Etc. Dr. Furgeson has served at Peace since 2006. He and his wife, Alice, have two sons.
The Vice-Presidents of the District meet quarterly for Praesidium meetings with President Hagan. Additionally, they assist him in representing the District President in ordinations and installations and advising him on matters of ecclesiastical supervision. The Missouri District Board of Directors also meets quarterly. The board oversees the fiduciary responsibilities over the district’s resources. Please pray for Rev. Asburry, Dr. Furgeson, and all those elected to positions of responsibility in the Missouri District.