Note: This activity is also included in the Week Five Bible Study.


Last week’s activity explored giving offerings joyfully as one way we put our hope into action. Review last week's activity here. You were to identify one discretionary expense that you would sacrifice and turn into an offering.

  • What did you choose to sacrifice and what do you do with the offering?
  • What joys did you witness from the experience?
  • How did the experience add meaning to other offerings you give?
  • How can giving financial offerings be a witness to your faith?
  • How can offerings be given in a way that witnesses gentleness and respect?


Peter teaches us to prepare for those occasions where we will be asked to share the hope within us. Here’s a short exercise to PREP for FRANK. Each person should complete the exercise individually writing down the following. You can also help children do this exercise. After you have finished share what you prepared.

PREP are the steps of putting God’s grace in your life down on paper in an organized way that your comfortable speaking. It stands for…

  • Practicing hope (write specific reasons you have hope in Jesus)
  • Recalling Bible promises (write 1-2 short, simple, Bible verses meaningful to you)
  • Experiencing your story (write one personal story where you saw God’s grace.)
  • Praying for opportunities (make an appointment to pray for someone to ask you to share your hope)
Thoughts for MY PREP



Bible promises


My story

For opportunities

FRANK are the likely people God will send your way asking for hope. Everyone has FRANKs in their lives. Identify at least one in each category who may ask for hope.

The People I Know Who May Ask for My Hope