A Letter from President Hagan

In this politically charged time, pastors and church leaders may find it helpful to have some general principles on how their congregation should navigate church and state issues. The following letter from President Hagan addresses these issues head-on and gives insight into how we, as LCMS Christians, can remain thoughtful in how we conduct ourselves when it comes to church and state issues.

View Letter

In addition, the Missouri District has provided a bulletin insert that will help congregations understand the ramifications of Amendment 3. Click here to view or print this bulletin insert.

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is a legal advocacy organization that seeks to advocate for religious freedom and the sanctity of life. They have produced a document titled “Churches and Politics” that provides helpful guidance on how to navigate political discussions faithfully and within the law.

Below are several additional links that you might find helpful in researching Amendment 3, including the Amendment language itself as well as some resources created by Missouri Right to Life to inform people about Amendment 3 and the abortion issue in general:

As always, we encourage members to speak with their pastor for guidance and prayerful support as they navigate these complex issues throughout the election year and beyond.

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