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Special Congregational & Ministry Resources

In addition to its larger ministry programs, the Missouri District provides a variety of special resources to help congregations carry out their ministry.


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The calling and placing of Ministers of Religion—Commissioned in the church involves the whole church.

The calling and placing of Ministers of Religion—Commissioned in the church involves the whole church. The Holy Spirit guides and directs the process of calling workers in His kingdom through people, on behalf of calling entities, according to their constitutional processes. Each step of the process will always include prayer that God’s will be done and that the Holy Spirit guide the process and decisions.

A Call comes from God through the calling entity and is extended by God to the called person.Thus, congregations, district officials, synodical officials, and college/university placement directors in the Concordia University System of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod work together cooperatively to provide the church with ministers who are qualified and capable of carrying out the mission and ministry that the Lord has entrusted to His church.

For assistance in calling or for information, contact:

President Lee Hagan
Ordained Ministers of Religion, Directors of Music, Specific Ministry Program

Alan Freeman
Commisioned Ministers of Religion – Teachers

Gene Wyssmann
Commissioned Ministers of Religion – Director of Christian Education (DCE), Director of Christian Outreach (DCO), Deaconesses

Congregations cannot become members of The Lutheran Church—Missouri synod until their constitutions and bylaws have been approved by a constitution committee of a District of the Synod.

Contact Rev. Ken Gerike, Chairman of the Missouri District Constitution Committee.

Congregation Constitution:
Congregations cannot become members of The Lutheran Church—Missouri synod until their constitutions and bylaws have been approved by a constitution committee of a District of the Synod. Any constitution or bylaw amendments must also have that approval before becoming operative.

A high degree of uniformity is desirable, the Commission on Constitutional Matters has from time to time issued guidelines for the proper construction of congregation constitutions and bylaws. It should be noted, however, as will become apparent also in the text of the guideline, that there are wide divergences among the congregations of the Synod, and that it is not advisable to formulate one constitution and bylaws which would fit all congregations.

What is included in this document should be regarded as guidelines. District committees, in evaluating constitution and bylaws that are submitted, will judge them in light of the principles contained in this guideline.

View Constitution and Bylaw Guideline for LCMS Congregations

Missouri Non-Profit Incorporation
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Good or Bad? Should Lutheran schools be separately incorporated from their operating congregations?

For assistance or information, contact:

President Hagan
Ordained Ministers of Religion, Directors of Music, Specific Ministry Program

Alan Freeman
Commisioned Ministers of Religion – Teachers

Gene Wyssmann
Commissioned Ministers of Religion – Director of Christian Education (DCE), Director of Christian Outreach (DCO), Deaconesses