Quarterlife Fellowship creates a place for young adults to network, meet new friends, and join in fellowship, Bible studies, and much more.
Who are we? We are living in a world between youth and adults. We are still youthful. We are single. We are married. We are college graduates and grad students. We are young professionals. We are going somewhere. We are 20 something. We area quarter of the way through our lives. We are Quarterlife.
Quarterlife Fellowship creates a place for young adults to connect with new friends for Bible studies and fellowship with other LCMS young adults. A Web site connects (will connect) everyone with resources and activities posted from each group.
Our first goal is to build relationships and make connections with other young adults who are already in the Lutheran church for fellowship and fun. Then we plan to reach out to unchurched friends of ours. By inviting them to join us, we hope they will connect or re-connect with Jesus Christ and the local church.
For additional information about Quaterlife, please contact Rev. Nicholas Hagerman at nhagerman@trinitylutheranspfd.org or visit the website at http://quarterlifefellowship.com/.