Barnyard Roundup: Jesus Gathers Us Together will be the 2016 Vacation Bible School Theme from Concordia Publishing House
VBS with Purpose At Concordia Publishing House, we don’t need fairy tales to make VBS fun; God’s Word stands alone with real people and true stories. Kids leave knowing their need for a Savior and that His name is Jesus. That’s a VBS with Purpose!
At Barnyard Roundup VBS, your children learn that Jesus gathers us together! Kids want to belong, to be understood, and to be valued. They want a BFF at their side, no matter what! At Barnyard Roundup, kids look into the Bible, God’s Holy Word, to discover that Jesus is better than a BFF! Jesus, their Savior, knows them by name, rounds them up, and brings them home. He is with us always and forever—no matter what! Psalm 23 is the Bible Memory focus of this VBS. This beloved psalm shares our confident trust that our Lord is with us now and forever, provides all we need, and protects us. After Barnyard Roundup, by God’s grace and through the Holy Spirit, this psalm will be in the heart and on the lips of every child, youth, and adult participating. Now that’s a VBS with Purpose!
A Psalm 23 VBS: ”The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” Psalm 23:1
To explore what this VBS program has to offer, visit the Barnyard Roundup website, and follow VBS at and Twitter@CPH_VBS.