Family Camp a Success

This June served as the inaugural start to Family Camp, a weeklong opportunity to learn family discipleship skills while enjoying God’s nature together. Dr. Mart Thompson, of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, served as Bible study leader and family discipleship skills facilitator.

From June 9 through 14, five family groups (with about 30 in attendance) gathered at Heit’s Point on the lake in Lincoln, Missouri. Each day of camp would start with a group devotion outside. After breakfast, the group divided, parents had education time and kids got to play and explore and with the excellent camp counselors. After lunch, parents got to put into action what was learned in the morning. The days ended with community fun time and devotions around a fire pit. One attendee noted, “I have learned so much in the time that we’ve been here. It’s exactly what I needed to hear.”

There are already dates booked in 2025 and 2026 for more Family Camp. So, pencil in the second week of June for your family and take advantage of this great opportunity!