In this edition of "The VOICE", we recognize the efforts of our congregations and schools during the Christmas season to spread God's word faithfully and prayerfully. It is the District's prayer that God will give many opportunities to share the Gospel with visitors throughout the Advent and Christmas seasons. However, it is also good for us to prepare for such opportunities and intentionally interact with our visitors to extend invitations to come and hear the Gospel even after the Christmas season has ended. May God bless all the choir concerts, Christmas programs, parties, carolers, festivals, markets, and, most of all, worship services, so that we may clearly confess Christ to all who come to these events and beyond. The birth of Christ is the reason for our celebration. Read on to see how some of our congregations and schools have come together to proclaim this message as we enter into the final weeks of December and close out another blessed year around the Missouri District.

Click the boxes below to read about the happenings from this month or click the PDF to print out a copy for sharing.