‘“I am the Lord; I have called you in righteousness; I will take you by the hand and keep you; I will give you as a covenant for the people, a light for the nations…’”
Isaiah 42:6
The visit of the Magi, Gentile worshipers of the promised Messiah, fulfilled what had been revealed through Isaiah the prophet. The Servant, whom the Lord would send, would Himself be the new covenant for the people. Through Jeremiah, God promised a covenant established with the houses of Israel and Judah by which He will forgive their sins. Here in Isaiah, the covenant would not just be for the sons of Abraham. Rather, Yahweh’s chosen servant would be a light for the nations, as evidenced by the Magi.
This promise continues to find its fulfillment in the proclamation of the Gospel to the ends of the earth as described at the end of Matthew, Mark, and Luke’s respective accounts. It is also witnessed each time Christ brings light to those who once lived in the darkness of disbelief.
Our prayer during the Epiphany season is that Jesus Christ, the Light of the nations, will be revealed through our congregations and schools to people across the globe. We also ask the Lord to reveal Jesus as the Light of the world through our bearing witness of Jesus. Like John the Baptist, we can bear witness about the Light to whomever we meet, that they too may be called out of darkness and into the marvelous light of Christ’s love. May we be such Epiphany witnesses!
Prayer – Almighty and eternal God, brightness of faithful souls, You brought the Gentiles to your light and made known to them Him who is the true Light, and the bright and morning Star. Fill the world with your glory, and show yourself by the radiance of your light to all nations; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Fraternally in Christ,
President Lee Hagan