Partnerships Enable Congregations Better Serve Homeless Neighbors

When Todd Barnes, an active member and former president of Zion Lutheran Church, needed a new model for his work with the homeless, he looked at the success of many areas in the country. Lancaster, PA in particular had a model he thought would work in the areas he serves....
Strengthening Families

“O God, we have heard with our ears, our fathers have told us, what deeds you performed in their days, in the days of old.” —Psalm 44:1What is one thing that congregations can do to strengthen both the church and our communities today? The answer is simple, but not easy....
Meet Casey Carlson, Assistant to the President, Lutheran Church Extension Fund

A Head for Finance...A Heart for MinistryCasey Carlson, Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) - Missouri District Vice President, worked in traditional banking for 15 years, honing his skills and expertise and serving in the private sector. He always felt inspired by the work of LCEF but didn’t necessarily believe he’d...
Family Ministry as Outreach

Family ministry is one of the most powerful tools for outreach in congregations, because wanting the best for your family is one of the few universal feelings we share. It’s also one of the rare ideas that congregations share with our culture. Brandon Metcalf, a student at Concordia Seminary, St....