Rev. Rudolf Charles Schaser

Rev. Rudolf Charles Schaser November 7,1939  – June 7, 2024 Pastor Rudy Schaser, born to Rudolf and LaVerne, grew up in Lansing, Illinois. He was raised with his older brother Robert (“Bobby”), two younger sisters (Nancy and Cheryl), and nephews (Bobby Richard and Jim). Pastor Schaser was married to his...

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Togetherness Takes Work

Togetherness Takes Work Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.  Ephesians 4:3 During a conversation over dinner with two missionaries and their wives, the comment was made that each couple finds out how long they can be apart before it becomes counterproductive. ...

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Professor Workshops This Summer

We are excited to have two opportunities this summer to connect with learning from our seminaries! July 29–31, join Dr. Golden from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis present "It Stand Written: The New Testament Appropriation of the Old Testament". Hosted at Trinity Lutheran Church- Springfield, MO, for registration and information, visit:...

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Sisters’ Keepers

Sisters’ Keepers Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where is Abel your brother?” He said, “I do not know; am I my brother's keeper?” Genesis 4:9 There is much on which we can reflect regarding Cain’s sins.  Jealousy, hatred and murder are all sins that Cain commits.  So is simple...

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