Let There Always Be Sunshine!
Psalm 113:3 “From the rising of the sun to its setting
the name of the Lord is to be praised.”
Missouri District Early Childhood Conference 2022
Saturday, March 5, 2022
A conference designed for those serving as early childhood educators with children from infant/toddlers to second grade. Directors, teachers, and classroom assistants will especially benefit from this professional development event.
Messiah Lutheran Church and School
Weldon Spring, Missouri
8:15-8:45 Registration/Continental Breakfast
8:45-9:00 Welcome and Opening Devotion
9:00-10:00 Keynote: Jim Gill, Music Play is Learning Play!
10:00 –10:10 Break
10:10-11:10 Breakout Sessions
11:15-12:15 Breakout Sessions
12:15-12:45 Lunch
12:45-2:00 Keynote: Jim Gill, A Joyous Way to Learn!
2:00-2:15 Closing Celebration!
Registration Fee and Deadline
$65 per person – includes program, refreshments and lunch.
Registration deadline is Friday, February 25th
Keynote Speaker: Jim Gill
Jim Gill is a musician and author with singular credentials among children’s artists. Jim spent twenty years directing programs in music play for families and children with special needs in the Chicago area. His particular writing style—combining word play and movement opportunities into songs—was developed through this work. Jim completed his graduate studies in child development at the Erikson Institute of Chicago with a special emphasis on the study of play. His work experience and studies have led Jim to create each of his recordings and books as an opportunity for playful interactions between a child and a caring adult.
Clock Hours
Conference participants receive 4.25 clock hours of professional development. Official Missouri Training Clock Hours are available for attending this conference. Participants requesting official training clock hours MUST sign-in during each session and provide their MOPD ID.
If you need a MOPD ID, you may obtain one by visiting
Questions and Information
If you have any questions regarding the conference or need additional information, please contact:
Cheryl Haun ecconsultant@mo.lcms.org
Lee Wagner ecconsultant@mo.lcms.org
Breakout Session Options *You do not need to select Breakout Sessions prior to the conference.
101 Parent Care: Developing Relationships During and After Covid Lori Snyder, LCSW, Associated Counselors of West County
102 Documentation & Hard Conversations: Challenging Behavior & Developmental Concerns Angela Shirley, ECE Director, Christ Community Lutheran School
103 More Wigglers and Babblers! Karen Wittmayer, Program Director, LASE Specialized Education and Mara Springer, LASE Resource Specialist
104 Pick Your Battles: Cooperation VS Conflict & the Value of Nurturing Independence Janelle Hendricks, EC Educator, Immanuel Lutheran School – St. Charles, MO
105 Conscious Discipline by Becky Bailey Connie Kipp, EC Educator, Our Savior, St. Charles, MO
106 OT Strategies for Young Children Allison Schultz, OTR, with Sensory Solutions in STL
107 Directors Gather in Community Lee Wagner, ECE Consultant – Early childhood directors are invited to gather during this session for informal discussion, networking and sharing of ideas.
*You do not need to select Breakout Sessions prior to the conference.
201 Parent Care: Developing Relationships During and After Covid
Lori Snyder, LCSW, Associated Counselors of West County
202 Documentation & Hard Conversations: Challenging Behavior & Developmental Concerns - Angela Shirley, ECE Director, Christ Community Lutheran School
203 More Wigglers and Babblers! - Karen Wittmayer, Program Director, LASE Specialized Education and Mara Springer, LASE Resource Specialist
204 Pick Your Battles: Cooperation VS Conflict & the Value of Nurturing Independence Janelle Hendricks, EC Educator, Immanuel Lutheran School – St. Charles, MO
205 Conscious Discipline by Becky Bailey Connie Kipp, EC Educator, Our Savior, St. Charles, MO
206 OT Strategies for Young Children Allison Schultz, OTR with Sensory Solutions in STL
207 Let’s Talk Toddlers: Resources, Networking & Sharing of Ideas Cheryl Haun, Educational Specialist, ECE District Consultant