Missouri District Educators’ Conference
“Remember What Hasn’t Changed”
November 22-23, 2021
Lodge of Four Seasons – Lake Ozark

General Information
- The Educators’ Conference begins on Monday, November 22nd, at 10:00 a.m. with keynote speaker, Andrew McPeak, co-author of Marching Off the Map.
- Registration and exhibits will open at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, November 22nd, and will be available throughout the day.
- Our conference ends together with worship on Tuesday, November 23rd at 2:00 p.m.
The registration fee covers program, Monday & Tuesday Lunch, and Tuesday Breakfast.
- All participants: $150
- Emeritus, Student Teachers, Interns and Guests: $115
The deadline to register for the conference is November 15, 2021. If paying by check, all fees must be paid in full prior to the conference.
Housing is not included in the conference registration fee. Rooms at a discounted price are available below – see “Lodging Information”.
To Register: Administrators, please register your staff as a group online – this is how you will be charged. Staff that register individually will have to pay individually.
This year’s conference theme is “Remember What Hasn’t Changed”.
One thing COVID hasn’t changed is the calling God has for us to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with Him, based on Micah 6:8, “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
Keynote Presentation
Marching Off the Map
Leading today's students often feels like being in a new country. The population in this new land has different attitudes (many entitled and narcissistic) and speaks a different language (emojis and social media). Attention spans are six to eight seconds. They multi-task on five screens. They often possess multiple personas on social media platforms. Understanding and connecting with this generation is often times frustrating and draining.
The old maps that helped adults navigate students through adolescence are now producing graduates who move back home, are afraid to take healthy risks, and are unwilling to start at the bottom of a career path.
We're in new territory.
We need new strategies on how to navigate new land...to march off our old maps and create new ones.
That is what this book is all about. From decades of research and hands-on experience, Dr. Tim Elmore and Andrew McPeak collate their conclusions into one resource.
In Marching Off the Map, they share practical, research-based solutions that help adults:
- Inspire students to own their education and their future
- Lead students from an attitude of apathy to one of passion through metacognition
- Enable students to push back from the constant digital distractions and practice mindfulness
- Raise kids who make healthy progress, both emotionally and intellectually, through their teenage years
- Give students the tools to handle the complexities of an ever-changing world
- Understand and practically apply the latest research on Generation Z
- Leverage what is cultural to instill in teens the wisdom and advice you know they need to succeed in any stage of life.
Keynote Speaker
Andrew McPeak is a millennial researcher, author, and communicator. Developed through more than a decade of work with the next generation, Andrew’s insights have helped leaders of all kinds understand how to craft their message in a way that reaches today’s student. In his role as Vice President of Content, Andrew works closely with schools, universities and sports teams to implement Habitudes® as a tool to teach life and leadership skills. He is also the co-host of the Leading the Next Generation with Tim Elmore podcast.
Most notably Andrew is a co-author alongside Dr. Tim Elmore of two books: Marching off the Map (2017) and their latest book Generation Z Unfiltered. Utilizing insights gained from the latest research and personal stories of successful leaders across the country, Generation Z Unfiltered helps adults understand how to best connect with today’s youngest population and how to lead them through the nine greatest challenges they will face in the 21st century.
A full refund of the registration will be given if cancelled prior to October 23. From October 23 to November 15 a 50% refund will be given. After November 15, no refunds will be given, as final numbers will have been given to the Lodge of the Four Seasons.
Lodging Information
The conference is located at The Lodge of the Four Seasons. The time has passed for a guaranteed group rate. But you can contact the lodge directly to book your accommodations.
The Lodge of the Four Seasons
315 Four Seasons Drive
Lake Ozark, MO 65049
The applicable taxes are 7.975% state tax plus a county lodging tax of 3%. When registering at the hotel, remember to bring your tax exempt letter and pay either with a church credit card or check, to avoid the state sales tax. Personal credit cards will not get you this exemption. Local taxes still apply. Reservations are from 4:00 p.m. the day of arrival until 11:00 a.m. the day of departure.
For questions about the conference contact
Sue Thompson