Faith-Filled Fridays: God’s Provisions for Schools

God’s Provisions for Schools

Al Freeman
Asst to the President: Schools

This situation is the new normal! No, it is the new temporary! We have all kinds of terms flying around to describe what we are experiencing during this time of COVID-19. In the circles of education, some have said it is harmful to call this situation the new normal, and we should be calling it the new temporary as it helps our psyche. Others state that no, it is the new normal because the world has changed forever.  I say that normalcy is something we as humans try to create so that we have a baseline for the sake of comparison. Tomorrow will be different from today as we live in an ever-changing environment.

We live in an amazing world formed by God. The world is constantly changing, but we as Christians are assured that we should not worry because while the world is constantly changing, God does not. God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Our hope and assurance in a world that is not normal, and never will be, is that God never changes and is always with us. As Christians we know that each day is a day the Lord has made, and we should rejoice and be glad in it! We shall live every day to its fullest, love God above all else, and love thy neighbor.

So, what does all of this mean for Lutheran schools? It means that we are called to care for His ministries and to proclaim His Gospel message at all times whether it is in an e-learning format, in-person format, or any other type of format! Our Lutheran school educators and administrators adapted on the fly as schools had to quickly change course from our in-person delivery of educational excellence to an alternate mode of delivery. Lutheran schools adapted amazingly well because they were focused on the students and families they serve.

So, the question is, how to reopen schools safely. There is no one-size fits all for reopening schools. The priority continues to be providing an excellent Christ-centered educational experience while caring for the health and welfare of staff and students. As we prepare for the 2020-2021 school year, Lutheran schools should make use of several resources to guide the reopening process.

To provide for a successful reopening schools must examine the following areas as guidelines: Logistics and Planning; Creating and Maintaining Community; Curriculum and Instruction; Technology Utilization and Support; Co-Curricular Activities including Athletics; and Spiritual Health. When formulating your reopening plan, it is important to provide a forum for parents, students, and staff to express their concerns. It is also recommended to consult with your local health department and to develop an ongoing channel of communication with them.

God has provided Lutheran school ministries for a time such as this! Lutheran schools are prepared to re-open their buildings, to change course and deliver education in any format needed, and to provide an excellent educational experience; but most importantly, they are ready to continue to provide the Gospel message! In this ever-changing world Lutheran schools provide the message that will never change – God so loved the world that He gave His only Son to die for us so that we may have eternal life!


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