+ CAPE: The Council of American Private Education serves as a government contact relating to legislation and issues that impact private school education.
+ Concordia online Teacher Colloquy Program
+ CPH: Concordia Publishing House provides school, congregational, and individual materials and curriculum for use in Lutheran schools, homes and congregations.
+ Lutheran Sports Association of Missouri: LSAM sponsors statewide tournaments for Lutheran Elementary Schools throughout the state of Missouri.
+ SLED: The School Leadership Development Project was designed to identify future Lutheran School administrators and to help them begin their preparation for these leadership roles.
Teaching Opportunities
School administrators who are looking for a teacher contact the district to receive search rights on the Lutheran School Portal. Click here to download the procedures. Lutheran school teachers need to have an updated LEIF on the Lutheran School Portal in order for their name to come up on searches. If you are not presently teaching in a Lutheran school with access to the Lutheran School Portal but are interested in teaching in a Missouri District school you may send your resume and list of references to Alan Freeman, Missouri District Director of Lutheran Schools.
GENESIS: Congregations which are considering starting a Lutheran elementary or secondary school can now receive help from Project Genesis. The Project Genesis was established to help congregations and communities to explore opportunities to start Lutheran elementary and secondary schools. The Department of School Ministry of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod has received a generous grant to provide consultants, feasibility studies, and assistance in initial organizational planning for new Lutheran elementary and secondary schools. For further information and/or application forms, please contact the Missouri District Director of Lutheran Schools, Alan Freeman, at (314) 317-4567 or go to GENESIS Web site.
Thrivent Matching Gifts Program: The Simply Giving Program is a modern-day stewardship program. It’s a convenient, safe and simple way for individuals to make automatic payments to non-profit organizations through electronic funds transfer (EFT) directly from checking or savings accounts.