National Lutheran Schools Week is here for most schools across the Missouri District, running January 24-30, 2021. This year’s theme is “Sent to Serve” is based off of Matthew 20:28 “The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” With the safety of students in the forefront in everyone’s mind due to COVID-19, hear Principal Kendra Fleck of St. Paul in St. Joseph discuss how their school has tailored activities while keeping “Sent to Serve” at the heart of all they do.

“We typically have our school carnival, education night exhibit, and other fun in person activities during Lutheran Schools Week. We also collect for charities in our community. Due to COVID this year, we will not have our in person activities. We will have a collection for Grace House, a non-for-profit organization that collects clothing and school supplies for families in our community. We will also collect for Pivotal Point, a transitioning housing organization for those trying to get back on the right track in life. We will have students bring a specific item each day. We will then have our older students (7/8th grade) pack care packages with the donated supplies. We look forward to serving and sharing with those in our community!”