Passing the Promise
October 7, 2023 from 8:30 a.m.– 3:30 p.m.
Hanover Lutheran Church
2949 Perryville Rd.
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
Did you know, right now in America, by age 30, only 20% of children raised “in the church” remain active “in the church” (Barna). Fortunately, we can do something to change this.
Join us for the family discipleship workshop, “Passing the Promise”, held October 7 at Hanover Lutheran Church in Cape Girardeau. Rev. Dr. Mart Thompson of Concordia Seminary serves as presenter. This is an excellent opportunity for parents, families, and those involved with family discipleship ministry to better equip themselves to discuss and teach faith with the next generation.
This is a free workshop. Lunch is provided for adults. (Adults, please bring a sack lunch for your children.) Childcare is provided for children out of diapers.
To register, email passingthepromise@hanoverlutheran.com by Monday, October 2.
Did You Know…
- God has specially gifted and called parents to raise their child(ren) up in the ways of God (Proverbs 22:6).
- God has uniquely positioned and equipped parents for talking about and discussing the Ways of God in everyday life (Deuteronomy 6:1-9).
- By age 25, only 25% of children raised “in the church” remain active “in the church” (Search Institute).
- By age 30, only 20% of children raised “in the church” remain active “in the church” (Barna).
- The single most important factor for a child remaining active in the faith is natural Christian conversation in the family (Christian Smith).
- The second most important factor for a child remaining active in the faith is his/her parents sincere, active participation in the faith (Christian Smith).
- Culture “is often better” at indoctrinating (catechizing) the ways of the world in a child than the church is at indoctrinating (catechizing) the Ways of God in a child (Jamie Smith).
- The longer parents go without taking up their role and responsibility for faith development, the harder and longer it will take to overcome.
- Parents and other family members are the most effective means of passing on the faith.
- God does not call on parents to be perfect, but simply to take up the role and responsibility for which He has gifted them.
Help more children grow up in the Christian Faith and remain in the Christian Faith throughout their lives.