“At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ, on account of which I am in prison— that I may make it clear, which is how I ought to speak.” Colossians 4:3-4
Lutheran schools across Missouri are opening! Such an announcement is simply expected in August during other years. However, 2020 is not like other years, and the work that has gone into having our schools ready to open this year is significant. As this school year begins for our Lutheran elementary schools, high schools and early childhood centers, your help is needed. Just as St. Paul enlisted the Colossians and other churches to which he wrote, I am inviting you to join us in praying for our Lutheran schools, principals, teachers, and students. From two-room schools in the country to schools with double grades at every level, the Missouri District is blessed to have schools across our state that are focused on the task of teaching students about the wonders of God’s creation.
The current COVID-19 crisis has presented many challenges, but it has also led to opportunities as well. Many of our Lutheran schools have seen increased enrollments due to public schools not offering in-person classes. We are entrusted with the care of children who may not have come to our schools without this crisis, but we are able to show them what makes our schools distinct as we offer Christ-centered education and prepare children for lives of service. Thanks be to God that this crisis has provided open doors for proclaiming the Gospel.
We also know that there are great challenges that are facing our school administrators and teachers, school boards and sponsoring congregations. From the cleaning of classrooms to the planning of activities, the present crisis has necessitated a rethinking of nearly everything associated with the school day. I invite you to pray for our schools each day. If your congregation operates a school, please pray specifically for that school. If there is not a school in your area, but you would like to pray for a specific school and principal this year, please contact Michelle Christ in the District office (michelle.christ@mo.lcms.org) and we will be happy to share with you one of our District schools which you can raise up to God in your daily prayers. Our prayer is that students, faculty, and staff will be preserved from illness and that this year will be a time of growing in knowledge and love for God and for one another. Our schools are a tremendous blessing and staffed by faithful and dedicated servants of Christ. These are trying times, but our schools are needed now more than ever. So, please pray for us!
Prayer – O God, source of all abiding knowledge, through Word and Spirit You both enlighten the minds and sanctify the lives of those whom you draw to Your service. Look with favor on the elementary, high schools, and early childhood programs of the Church, blessing those who teach and those who learn according to Your gracious will; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Fraternally in Christ,
President Lee Hagan