Our deaconesses play an important role in ministry! Today, read about Deaconess Kelly Hardt who serves at Immanuel Lutheran in Washington. Since graduating from Concordia Chicago (River Forest), she has served 24 years in ministry and currently leads Women’s Ministry, Older Adult Ministry, and Comfort Dog Ministry, plus she assists with the visitation of members and shut-ins. Great work! Read about her story into ministry below:
First and foremost, my parents were a great example to me! They raised me in the faith and showed me what service in the church looks like. They both served as called teachers in Lutheran schools during their careers, and they both volunteered in various ways at my home church (my dad serving in the area of evangelism, and my mom serving as Sunday School Superintendent and VBS Coordinator). I saw very clearly that in response to what Jesus has done for us, we then serve however we can!
I actually started out studying to be a film director. Then during my third year of studies, my dad experienced health issues. During this time, I came to the realization that I did not see a future in film, but I wasn’t sure what I was going to do. Then my pastor’s wife, who had gone through the deaconess program, told me about all the way deaconesses could serve, and it seemed like a perfect fit for me, as I had always loved volunteering and serving in the church—I just didn’t know about the deaconess vocation till my pastor’s wife told me. I then met with Deaconess Kristin Wassilak, director of the deaconess program at Concordia River Forest and decided I would enter the deaconess program.
What I love about ministry is that I get to remind people of Jesus’ love every day! Whether it’s listening to a shut in and sharing God’s Word and praying with him/her, or teaching a Women’s Bible Study, or planning events and activities designed to help people grow/be strengthened in their faith, or leading a devotion for the OWLS (Older Wiser Lutherans) or spending time with students in the classroom to discuss Bible verses and do service projects, or going out in the community with Sheba Comfort Dog to bring comfort to the hurting, it’s all about pointing people to Christ! I love the variety of ministry-- getting to visit, teach, plan and organize etc., and I love that I get to serve people of all different ages!
One of my great joys of ministry is visiting shut-ins. It is something I have been blessed to do at both churches I have served. When you get to visit people month after month and year after year, you really get to build a relationship with them. I have had times where I visited someone and that person said, “God sent you to me today; I really needed this visit.” I have had someone say, “I share things with you that I don’t share with anyone else.” To be able to visit with people who may be experiencing loneliness, loss, physical and mental health issues, etc., and be present with them, listen to them, share God’s Word and pray with them is incredible! I am so grateful God allows me to serve in this way. And I am blessed by these visits too in often seeing the great faith these people have, how God has sustained them through many hardships in their lives.