The Lutheran Urban Mission Agency (LUMA) is a Missouri District supported mission located in Kansas City. And they have been hard at work reaching out to the members of their community in a variety of ways.

Recently, they have been blessed to have a grant that is being used to help families pay for their gas bills. This grant can be split up from anywhere between ten and twenty-five families depending on how many people need the aid. Families that benefit from this program include current clients of their food pantry or walk-ins. This is the second month that LUMA has had the grant, and they hope to continue this in the future, as it is a wonderful blessing for families that need it.

Another major way that LUMA serves their community is through their food pantry, which serves around 30-40 families per week. The pantry resembles a grocery store in layout and includes not just food, but medicine, hygiene products, and more. The recipients have a specific number of items that they can take from each section, depending on how many people are in their household. In addition to the pantry, LUMA also has a library for their clients with a variety of literature, ranging from children’s picture books to Bibles.

When clients arrive at the pantry, they sit in a waiting area and then have a personal shopper who walks with them through the pantry. Pastor Phil Cook, the interim director of LUMA noted that the waiting area provides a great opportunity for fellowship for the clients. As they build relationships and community with the individuals who utilize the pantry, they also invite them to attend a Bible study. It’s a wonderful way to connect with people.