Daniel Meyer serves as a Director of Christian Education (DCE) at Christ Memorial in St. Louis. Daniel’s ministry focuses on middle and high school youth and their families as well tech for Christ Memorial.
What does a DCE do?
A DCE, short for Director of Christian Education, is an individual who serves the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, usually in the congregational setting. They work in conjunction with the pastor and other staff to disciple people of all ages. A DCE’s ministry is often a variety of aspects such as VBS, Children’s Messages, Confirmation, Youth Ministry, curriculum development, volunteer management, or other tasks that would bless a congregation and its members.
How to prepare to become a DCE?
Their training happens through a degree through a Concordia University with the DCE Program. The undergraduate degree consists of four years of class work and then a one-year internship at a congregation. After completion of the program, the individual can receive a call to serve in a congregation.
What about being a DCE gives you joy?
I love it when I am able to personally connect with an individual and discuss faith and life together. Sometimes a person shares something exciting, a prayer request, or a hardship. It is a wonderful opportunity to share the hope of the Gospel. In my job setting, this often happens with children and youth. I feel it is especially joyful to assist youth as they navigate the transitions for middle school, high school, and college.
What was your path to become a DCE?
I was greatly inspired by the Holy Spirit throughout middle school and high school. My congregation had DCE’s Ben Freudenburg, Jeremy Becker, and Jim Meyer. They along with my sister, Christina Stackle (also a DCE) provided me with numerous opportunities for service and leadership in ministry settings. In addition, I worked after school during high school at my Lutheran grade school with their after school program. I also participated in weekly youth group, mission trips, and National Youth Gatherings. All of these events, led to feeling called by Jesus to serve as a DCE.