"Behold the Child"
Our theme of “Teaching Advent in the Home” continues with a devotional designed for at-home use. Rev. Dr. Kevin Golden, authored the CPH devotional “Behold the Child” with a focus on daily and family devotions.
Rev. Golden says that advent is a perfect time to start daily family devotions! He cites that advent and the excitement of the anticipation of Christmas helps to bring the family together and can set a pattern for the rest of the year. Lighting an advent wreath is also exciting for kids and adults alike.
Each “Behold the Child” devotion is based off of psalms appointed for the Sundays in advent. “The psalms are the prayer book of the Bible,” explains Golden, “The reason that the psalms are chosen on a given sunday is that they funnel into the theological focus of that Sunday. So the focus of advent on preparing for Christ’s coming is found in those psalms. So these are ‘psalms of anticipation for the coming of the Messiah’.”
Did You Know?
Advent is all about preparing for the birth of Christ– Christmas. The word advent comes from the latin advenio, meaning “coming to something”. There are four Sundays in the season of advent, and there is a big focus on the fulfillment of Old Testament promises.