Thank You for Your Partnership
with the Missouri District
The purpose—and joy—of being the Missouri District is the reality that no congregation, school, or church worker need ever face the highs and lows of ministry alone. God has intentionally brought us together to be a blessing to each other and the state where we live. We count you among these blessings and thank you for your partnership.
Collaboration and resources for rural and urban congregations. Outreach among the military, college students, and those new to our nation. New church plants. With God’s direction, and by His grace, our efforts will continue to shine the light of Christ brightly in our communities. We’re excited about the future and would like to invite you to be a part of it.
Will you please prayerfully consider supporting these outreach efforts—and many more—with a gift to the mission endeavors of the Missouri District?
Gifts can be made online at https://mo.lcms.org/donate or sent to the District office at:
Missouri District LCMS
660 Mason Ridge Center Drive, Suite 100
St. Louis, MO 63141
The Christmas season is a reminder of how much our God loves us and continually provides for us—be it the arrival of a Savior, calm for a troubled heart in a pandemic, or the partnership and encouragement from a loving friend through the peaks and valleys of ministry. Thank you for your support.
God’s richest blessings this Christmas.